wordle 42

Dear Wordlers,

I went back to the same poetry compilation from last week, I Go to the Ruined Place (see sidebar), and did a quick pick of words from the poem, Kalashnikov Staccato by Matthew Kaler. These words were difficult, it will be interesting to see how you weave them through your words.

Happy wordling,


34 comments on “wordle 42

  1. Annette says:

    I had fun with this one. –and its fun to see all the other places people went with this!

  2. It is an interesting challenge. I decided to write a poem in which I would rhyme all the wordle words. Makes for a odd poem, and a sometimes dreadful poem, but considering the challenge, I decided to go ahead and post it.

    Theme-less Thursday – A Wordle

  3. Bruce Niedt says:

    Mine is on Robert Brewer’s Poetic Asides blog – I combined this prompt with his weekly prompt (“Write a ‘dead-end’ poem”).


  4. Hi all! I am finally back home and have just posted.

  5. tmhHoover says:

    Opps I linked but forgot to comment- alas my wordle is on my blog-thanks Brenda.

  6. Pseu says:

    I have had a go at this one. Not sure I have my grammar right all the way through!

  7. Kelly says:

    Late (again) but had to post anyway. Thanks so much for these challenging words. They led me to an interesting place. Will be back this evening to read others poems.

    Brenda, I’m wondering if you would consider sending or posting the words a week in advance? A lot of the other prompt sites do this. I am not a fast writer and it would be a big help. Thanks again.

  8. Pseu says:

    I’m probably being slow here: but I can’t find a ‘subscribe to this blog’ button on this blog, and can’t find a way to subscribe. I have one on my blog which I added by adding the widget – is there another way for me to subscribe, please? I’d like to be int he loop – thank you

    • Kelly says:

      Pseu, click the little “follow” button in the bottom right corner of your screen. 🙂

      • JulesPaige says:

        Kelly, I’m another ‘slow’ to understand the ‘wise ways’ of the computer world. Does that little follow button also add you to the wordlers list and what does the Mr. Linky do? Just what does the follow button do? I have two blogs… well because two ‘factions’ don’t play nice… and they operate the same in some ways but not in others. Thanks for helping us ‘slow folk’. Also some ‘subscribe thingys have little icons show up in the ‘follow section’ is that a special widget… eh what’s a widget? As you can see I need all the ‘help’ I can get!

  9. Gorgeous words again, thanks!

  10. I thought this set of words was wonderful. They were very challenging. I actually write my post live, adding pressure in case I lose my internet connection. It is very rewarding. I never know what I’m going to say until it comes out of me.

  11. pmwanken says:

    Oh my…so many have linked so early in the week! I’m gradually getting into sync with reading again….slowly, but surely.

    Have a great week, all.

  12. The words ruins, metallic, darts and rebellion set the stage for this glimpse at Armageddon. Once the scene is set, the words march into place. Again, a great grouping of words.


  13. seingraham says:

    I know I left a comment here when I posted last night but don’t see it so am trying again … I had wanted to say that I wrote my poem “Into a Petulant Dawn” before knowing about or reading Matthew Kaler’s work “Kalashnikov Staccato” (the poem the wordle words are from) and got quite a start after I posted and discovered where they’re from … the subtle synchronicity is amazing (not that I’m suggesting my poem is anywhere near as good as Kaler’s just that there are marked similarities …) For those who haven’t seen mine, it’s posted on my THE WAY EYE SEE IT blog

  14. Irene says:

    The words are difficult I thought. Maybe my result this week is a bit forced, but I don’t care, because it broke my brief stop in writing.

  15. Mary says:

    Brenda, I am late this week. Usually I am ready to go Sunday morning. I adopted a third toy fox terrier yesterday, and he has taken a lot of my energy; but Pamela (LOL) made me write this poem; and I bless her hearrt. Because I am so LATE in posting, I am sharing my link when I comment on someone’s site. If people have HISTORICALLY not posted comments on mine, well….if you do, I will return the favor. If I see YOU on my blog, I will visit yours.

  16. julespaige says:


    And I am still ‘floundering’ I can’t seem to put things where I want them, but at least the link will get You all to where I want you to go.

    Same theme, but different story – enjoy. And Thanks Brenda.
    I hope to do some reading tomorrow…off to join friends for a Super Bowl viewing… Jules

  17. Mr. Walker says:

    Brenda, thanks. These were great words. (I didn’t find them difficult). I look forward to reading.


  18. margo roby says:

    Love the banner. I’ve grabbed it for Fridays.

  19. Really like the new look side bar and have taken your new Sunday Whirl banner to place on mine Thanks Brenda 🙂

  20. Thanks for the words Brenda. They were interesting. I thought I might have some difficulty but, they all seemed to point me in the direction they wanted to go. 🙂
    Happy Sunday wordling everyone!

  21. nan says:

    Wow – interesting to see where the words take us!

  22. Laurie Kolp says:

    Definitely a challenge here, Brenda… thank you!

  23. you opened an intense purging space for me . .
    *thank you!*

  24. Susannah says:

    Nice to be here again. 🙂

    I will be back later to read. x

  25. At first glance these words looked difficult, but they came together nicely. I am curious about Matthew Kaler??? Kaler is my father’s surname and from what I understand he could be a relative, hum???

    Thanks for the words, Brenda.


    • brenda w says:

      The notes in the book say Matthew Kaler is a graduate of the University of Montana (MFA Creative Writing). He was born and grew up in Missoula , Montana, and now works for an organization calle Save Darfur.

      I can believe that you have more poets in your family.

    • margo roby says:

      Pamela, A good friend of mine is Wayne Kaler, originally from Florida [at least his mother has lived there forever]. He was a colleague in Indonesia almost the whole time we were out there.


      • According to my family tree, which my niece investigated and drew up about 20 years ago, anyone with that particular spelling “Kaler” is a relation to us. There are variations on the name, Kahler, or Kaylor. My father came from a large family, 11 siblings. I know I have cousins out in Colorado, and suppose it is possible in Montana as well.
        My aunt Maria (my father’s oldest sister was a novelist) she passed when I was about 5 years old. For the life of me I cannot remember her married name. I guess a phone call to my sister is in order. She has a better memory than me 🙂 and she is 16 years older than me.


  26. Rinkly Rimes says:

    Not easy this week, but a great challenge.

  27. S.E.Ingraham says:

    Swear to God – did not read the poem or the details before writing my poem; wrote shortly after receiving the early words (actually wrote 2, very similar) and it is what it is … got quite a start when I came to link and saw the background … am going to read the poems now

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