Wordle 17

wordle 17

This week all the words came from my trusted purple dictionary.  I opened to random pages and selected words.  My Internet provider recently changed hands and it was an on again off again week, so my online poetry reading suffered.

Take a gander at yesterday’s post and Vote! for a wordle delivery.  Every person gets one vote. Read some of the comments, and let your voice be heard below the Vote! post.  For now, we’re giving Mr. Linky a shot.  If anyone can tell me the benefits of premium membership there, I’ll consider it, I’m just not sure what difference it would make, other than having the links right beneath this post.  As it is, a new window opens, and I don’t really have a problem with that, do you?  Anyway, click on Mr. Linky to post your poem.

P.S.  If this does not work, I’ll check it out in the morning.  I have it scheduled to go out at 12:01 a.m., but had to change the date to 14 in the Mr. Linky code.  Hopefully, it worked like a charm.

28 comments on “Wordle 17

  1. Mr. Walker says:

    Almost two weeks late, but I’m writing again. Combined these wordle words with a prompt from Poetic Asides. Thanks, as always, Brenda, for the great words and the space to share our poems.


  2. Rinkly Rimes says:


    I think I’m a week late with this (computer malfunction!) but I enjoyed writing it even so.

  3. Dear Brenda Thank you for another great challenge.I hope you find these lines different and effective.Yet again the bent is towards the same theme.’Invisible Stigmas’


  4. jennifaye says:

    I just linked my wordle17 and first ever contribution to The Sunday Whirl. I’m loving these wordles.

  5. Nanka says:

    My Wordle 17 is up and I found no problems with Mister Linky opening in the new window! Thank you for the words and I thought I wouldn’t be able to write haikus using them. But, whoa! I did it! 🙂

  6. Laurie Kolp says:

    Brenda- My comment was linked to another blog I started on WP, here’s the link to my wordle poem:


    laurie kolp

  7. Laurie Kolp says:

    I’m late… been on vacation. Missed this Sunday!!

  8. Tilly Bud says:

    Mr Linky worked fine.

    I enjoyed this one!

  9. Traci B says:

    Mr. Linky worked fine for me; left my link there.

    I’ve enjoyed where the poems are going this week; much more diverse than some of the previous sets have been.

  10. Mike says:

    Just a plea to keep using Mr Linky. I found it so easy to read all the great poems linked and leave comments. I also know that when I check back later on in the week I can easily see new links to go visit.

  11. Leo says:

    I hope my long fiction isn’t too long for the friends here to read 🙂 I wasn’t in a poetic mood today! 🙂

    A Quest for Freedom

    If you’re having Mr. Linky free account, do note that only one linky will be visible. The old links will not be shown once you generate a new one for the next week. If you want that facility, you can either upgrade to premium 🙂 or maybe look at Inlinkz linky widget instead.

  12. pmwanken says:

    Didn’t think I would be able to use all twelve words…but I did. 🙂

    Thanks, as always, Brenda….


  13. Scribbler says:

    My first ever Sunday Whirl! Posted on Mr. Linky 🙂

  14. I did it, with Mr. Linky. It worked well…the wordl was a challenge. I enjoyed it, as I have enjoyed all so far that I have participated in. I appreciate all the responses, and I only need to respond to everyone else who does wordls here…a bit lame with that, but I promise to be better.

  15. Surprisingly, I didn’t find these words that difficult to work with. Thanks for the site, Brenda.


  16. Susannah says:

    A daunting set of words on first sight but I managed to complete something.

    I love the mr linky and I voted too. Thanks for doing this, I look forward to the sunday whirl. 🙂

  17. I loved the way the wordle worked for me…

  18. I don’t know what it is but methinks it’s quite uncanny. I seem to always be pretty much insync with whatever wordle words you chose this past few weeks. Lucky me~! 🙂
    The linky is working propely, I think.
    Really do enjoy these Brenda, thank you and thanks for commenting on my other entry.

  19. 1sojournal says:

    Very strange set of words, but eventually found a way through them. Have a good day Brenda, and whatever you decide is fine by me,

    Somewhere Near The Town of Denial

  20. Mike says:

    Wow! A difficult set of words but at the same time a great challenge.
    I think using Mr Linky is a great idea.

  21. b_y says:

    hmm…seemed to take my link, but it still says “you’re first”. I’ll check back later.

    • brenda w says:

      It still says first, but yes! it works. I’m off to read your poem Barb.

      • pmwanken says:

        It’s mid-afternoon, Brenda, and I am still seeing “You’re First” by the Mr. Linky link. I’m not ready to post yet–I had to come back and get the words again and noticed it looked the same as when I was here this morning. And I’m sure there have been people posting??

      • brenda w says:

        Yes there are posts Paula. I did upgrade, but won’t do anything with it until next week’s post. Even though it still says you’re first, there are several posts out there….some darn fine writing already! 🙂

  22. magicalmysticalteacher says:

    I have absolutely no problem with Mr. Linky opening in a new window. Please keep using him! Thank you!

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