Wordle 196


Dear Wordlers,

I tried to e-mail the people at Mister Linky twice with no response, and now their website is not functioning properly for me.

Please leave a link to your post in the comments below with a brief commentary if you wish. For ease of navigation, do not post entire poems.

Eventually I’ll spend some time figuring things out, or coming up with an alternative to Mister Linky.

I promise to be diligent about comment approval. Once I approve your comments the first time, they should come through with no wait.

Write on,


30 comments on “Wordle 196

  1. whimsygizmo says:

    Ha. Such a weird week, I caught the words again through mindlovemisery’s wordle, and wrote another one, forgetting I’d already done these. At least this one’s super short. 😉

    Words, Led

  2. I thought I’d been quick, but lo and behold 26 were here before me! https://vivinfrance.wordpress.com/2015/02/08/leading-role-for-a-dog-wordle-198/

    Glad you’re home safely, Brenda.

  3. Joanne Edith says:

    Here is my lighthearted attempt this week.

    Beyond the Steam

    Enjoy the snow ( to all of you here in the northeast)!

  4. whimsygizmo says:

    Loved these. Thank you! 🙂

    Hold That Thought

  5. Bastet says:

    I wrote a tutorial today explaining how to fix Mr. Linky … in the meantime, here’s my contribution for the wordle: http://wp.me/p31In3-4×7

    • Mr. Linky’s widgets won’t even open in my browser. 😦

      • Bastet says:

        The Mr. Linky widgets wouldn’t open for us either … which is why Jen went to work on them. We tried the blue frog, but it was good for only one post … and we’ve got a daily prompt, so Mr. Linky was the only prospect. BTW, When you say, you can’t get it to open in your browser are you talking about the Mr. Linky page? You might want to re-register with a different e-mail in that case.

  6. humbird says:

    Good group of words! Thanks, Brenda! Hope you had a nice rest x

  7. Pamela says:

    Glad you had a nice trip, Brenda. These were some inspiring words this week.

    “Burning Black Silence” The Sunday Whirl #196


  8. It looks like you had a good trip. I’m glad you had fun and made it home in one piece.


  9. A long time since I tried the whirl.. great words for me this week…

  10. Hope Mr. Linky enjoys his vacation & returns soon

  11. nan says:

    Hello! My poem is here: spirit armor

  12. magicalmysticalteacher says:

    You might try using InLinkz. They seem to have fewer issues than Mr. Linky. In fact, you could sign up immediately and add a linking widget for this week! 😉


  13. magicalmysticalteacher says:

    Whirling On

  14. jae rose says:

    Sorry to hear about the linky problems…thanks for the words!


  15. 1sojournal says:

    Glad to see you home safe, Brenda

    The Poet’s Dream


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