8 comments on “wordle 135 ~ a baker’s dozen

  1. Good grief! Can any other set of words have produced such a depressing result? In any event, it all flowed together and wrote itself, whether I was happy about it or not. . .

    What Dreams May Come

  2. Anya Padyam says:


    Phew.. that was a tough one 🙂 Am so glad I found the Sunday whirls – a wonderfully enjoyable challenge 🙂

  3. Marilyn says:

    Amazing words for this week’s whirl……….love the whiskey marsh……………just imagine!

  4. julespaige says:

    Whiskey was the tricky word for me this week… but I managed 🙂

    The story continues here:

  5. Pamela says:

    Good morning wordlers. Happy Sunday to all.

    p.s. Brenda, please remove the first link, it is not correct, thanks.

  6. veronicabalfourpaul says:

    Once again, a set of words come through the ether to stimulate and tickle the brain into activity. Thank you, Brenda 🙂

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