wordle 111

Happy June,

I missed you all last week. It’s good to be back, and it looks like things carried on in my absence.

Enjoy these words,


24 comments on “wordle 111

  1. drpkp says:

    Happy Sunday all – Have no idea why – but I found myself writing another poem this morning – three for these words…Apologies for the saturation ! Enjoy the day – I’ll be back to read and comment 🙂

  2. Almost four weeks away, and from the poem, It’s obvious I didn’t sleep through all those great wordle words.


  3. GILLENA COX says:

    its late in the week, however, i made the Linky deadline and shared ‘Starched Can Cans’ at #38; really enjoyed writing from this week’s Wordle

    much love…

  4. David King says:

    Will be back anon to visit and comment.

  5. David King says:

    Pretty good prompt this , though initially I thought it was going to be a bit of a teaser.

  6. I’ve ben away from blogging so long, I almost forgot how much I love it! This Wordle was one of the best group of words ever – they led me IMMEDIATELY to a poem, which is always a nice thing. Whether it’s any good or not is the question, but isn’t it always? LOL HI EVERYBODY! MISED YOU! I’LL TRY TO GET TO AS MANY OF YOU AS POSSIBLE!

  7. Carol Steel says:

    Wow, a great dozen words. It is Sunday evening on the east coast of Canada. I hope I’m not too late to join the wordle. http://carolsteel5050.blogspot.ca/2013/06/the-addiction-of-dandelion.html

  8. Hello everyone, hello Brenda, missed you. I’m not going to have a chance to read till later today, probably when most of my non-Pacifics have gone to bed 😦 . but am really looking forward to it!

  9. Pamela says:

    Hi Brenda, it is good to see you with us. You were missed. I managed all of the words this time. I am on my way to a lunch and will be back to read later this afternoon. Happy Sunday to all.


  10. julespaige says:

    Adding the title did not help but one can still (which I didn’t realize at first) go to the permalink on the top right. So the link is still there.. just not in your face. 🙂

  11. purple says:

    Hi, I wrote a poem on my blog from this wordle, but unfortunately, I am legally blind and cannot see well enough to copy links. but the poem is called Commonality on my blog if anyone wishes to read it.

  12. julespaige says:

    There is no direct link to 111 post. I’ll put in my verse…and hopefully be able to and remember to add the link to the Sunday Whirl when it is added.

    Going off to do the copy and pasting stuff so I can enter it…

    Good morning and Cheers all!

    • brenda w says:

      I forgot to title the post last night, hopefully adding the title helps. When the mind gets full, it begins to develop sieve-like qualities. 😉
      Thanks for the head’s up, Jules.

  13. Good morning everyone! So glad I was able to pull off a wordle this week. Happy wordling!


  14. WabiSabi says:

    I’m so happy to be back here, returning as I did, on a dozen words with a little help from an osprey!

  15. drpkp says:

    Yes, Happy June Brenda … You were misssed …. Happy mother-of-a-new-graduate week!

  16. Irene says:

    Happy June, Brenda!

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