wordle 56

Greetings Wordlers,

The Everest Education Expedition, a group of educators, athletes, scientists and researching doctors,  is at the Everest Base Camp.   Two of the team members hale from Montana State University.  They also have a Facebook page with expedition updates and pictures.  The words for this week came from the teacher resource page for the expedition.  I lifted them from the text that accompanies Lesson 7, “One Mountain, Many Cultures.”

Coffee and you all make Sunday mornings my favorite,


Postscript:  Magical Mystical Teacher noticed that “indigenous” has no “i” in the wordle.  My mistake…hopefully you weren’t scrambling to find out what ndigenous means….I think nothing.  🙂  Happy writing!

26 comments on “wordle 56

  1. Tiny Fiction says:

    I completed Wordle 56! I’m working back to finish them all. Here it is –

    Wordle 56 – At The Summit

  2. Looks like I’m a bit late to the party as well…quite interesting words!

  3. pmwanken says:

    Better late (ha! it’s still only Monday!) than never…

  4. I attempted another “combo” entry. Here it is, such as it is!

    A Bit of a Challenge – Monday Joy

  5. Tania says:

    This wordle was perfection! It spoke to me in a deafening roar.


  6. seingraham says:

    This was an interesting bunch of words … took me in a totally different direction than I started out but – that’s what it’s all about, yes?


  7. Cool group of words. Just posted mine. Happy Mother’s Day to those of you out there celebrating.

  8. Another group of words that presented themselves ready to write; a certain image to honor this day!


  9. 1sojournal says:

    Happy Mother’s Day to one and all. Not real happy with the results on this one, but at least I managed to get here.



  10. I agree with magicalmysticalteacher here, I really get a great kick out of the complex minds and directions that we all go with the same set of words!! Thank you for the whirl!!

  11. b_y says:

    Cool source. Like Viv, I’d probably have gone in a different direction if I’d seen that first.

  12. Mr. Walker says:

    These words called to me instantly. I knew right away what I was going to write about. Thanks, Brenda for the awesome words.

    Happy Mother’s Day. I’m at my grandmother’s and posting from my iPhone.


  13. tmhHoover says:

    Thank you for another set of words Brenda. Happy Sunday, And to all the moms- happy Mother’s Day! I will be back around to read tomorrow,.it is a busy day around here.

  14. Challenging words, which I think clichéd me into a corner. Happy Mother’s Day to you moms out there!


  15. margo roby says:

    Write another poem, ViV!

    Love the source, Brenda. I shall explore it later.

  16. Laurie Kolp says:

    Happy Mother’s Day all you moms out there!

  17. Irene says:

    That’s an interesting story in the making Brenda. I wish them well on the climb!

  18. Marianne says:

    A very interesting selection of words, Brenda! I had a rough draft of my poem in my head before I ever saw the words. Then I used what I could. I like where the words went, especially string and flags!

    Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing, hard-working moms and grand-moms out there!

  19. Loved these wordle words Brenda. As with everyone else, had no idea where they came from but they led me in a totally different direction. LOL
    Love taking part in the whirl and, thanks to you. Enjoy your Sunday everyone.

  20. JulesPaige says:

    I think not knowing where the list comes from gives us more freedom to be creative…it was just coincidence that my offering goes with the theme because I tagged on to the thought of a previous piece, Written last night so I could post before work this morning… Enjoy!

    To all celebrating Mothers’ Day in anyway…Happy Mother’s Day ❤

  21. magicalmysticalteacher says:

    Brenda, did you notice that the initial “i” is missing from “indigenous” in the Wordle? If I were writing strictly from the Wordle, I’d be scratching my head and saying, “What in the world is ‘ndigenous’?” Fortunately, I got the word list in advance!

  22. vivinfrance says:

    I wish I’d known the source of the words before I wrote my poem. It would have been very different!

    • magicalmysticalteacher says:

      I think it’s a good idea not to know the source of the words before we write, Viv! That way, our brains and hearts and pen are freed from as many restraints as possible. 🙂

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