4 comments on “Wordle 343

  1. colonialist says:

    Thanks for words — I wanted to have a rant, and they fitted nicely.

  2. Thanks much–I’ve been away a long while, and so glad to be back to these wordle prompts 🙂

  3. Mama Pajama says:

    hey there – I haven’t been by in awhile, but all the planets aligned just so, and here I am. nice to see you!

  4. calmkate says:

    The blight of human kind is that we don’t pay close attention to which wolf we feed. I cringe when some feed the wild one acting out spontaneously. To cajole this one denies the practice of feeding the small wolf, so called because it’s the quite calm one. This means we often neglect the soft empathic people who heap loving kindness on our troubles.

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