Wordle 101


Greetings Wordlers,

Last week’s Saturday posting was a whim. We remain The Sunday Whirl. This week’s word came from a poem called I Was In A Hurry, by Dunya Mikhail. With my radio perpetually tuned in to NPR, I heard her read it aloud on my way to work one morning this week. You can listen to the story if you click on the link. It is worth a visit.

Write on,



23 comments on “Wordle 101

  1. David King says:

    Unusually for me, I’ve had a go at this one. Thanks for.

  2. GILLENA COX says:

    i have been visiting The Sunday Whirl and started tagging you in my Sunday Savvy series at Lunch Break
    However Wordle 101 is the first prompt at which i have participated, thanks for all your lovely wordles; great fun

    much love…

  3. pmwanken says:

    It’s only noon on Monday and already 40 posts ahead of me. I guess my weekend was full of things besides writing. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thanks, as always, Brenda, for a great list of words to inspire us to write more.

  4. Mr. Walker says:

    I’m back. Thanks, Brenda, for the weekly wordles. This is two wordle poems in two days for me.


  5. Thank you for such a wonderful wordle, Brenda. I hope my poem will be enjoyed. http://hopefuljo.wordpress.com/2013/03/24/creativity-project-year-two-day-75/

  6. Veronica Roth says:

    Richard King Perkins II, I cannot read your whirl because your site is asking for a password and I have no idea what that password is. Sorry. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

  7. seingraham says:

    It’s almost beyond belief (to me) that I wrote my poem before knowing the source material for this week’s words but in one of those odd synchronicities of muse and fate and who knows what else, my lines just flowed Friday night and appear pretty much as they occurred to me then. Now today, after listening to Dunya Mikhail’s heart-wrenching work and words about her losses…I felt a definite chilling sense of wonder…

    IF I, IF YOU

  8. angie werren says:

    I got a kick out of this being “wordle 101…”
    class, dismissed. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. Veronica Roth says:

    And she’s in! Yay, looking forward to reading everyone’s. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Sunday whirl…weird and wonderful

  10. annell4 says:

    Somehow I missed the early words. Please don’t forget me the next time. I love the wordle.

    • brenda w says:

      I just double checked my sent e-mail, Annell. From here it looks like it was sent to you. Regardless, I usually post them on The Sunday Whirl’s facebook page sometime early Saturday, as well.

  11. Eric says:

    Thanks for the Wordle! Here’s my submission:


  12. margo roby says:

    I always want to hug you after I have been a way a while, Brenda. Even when I don’t post your wordles are a part of my weekends.

  13. Sabra Bowers says:

    I’m always listening to NPR in the car, too. Wrote a story poem this morning. Probably should just call it flash fiction. I simply enjoy participating in your Sunday Whirl, Brenda. Best!

    • Sabra Bowers says:

      Just clicked on the link above and found it interesting that I had written my little piece Escape from the post on Facebook without seeing your blog post first. Came to the post, got the picture for my post, posted, then read you piece. Thoughts are in the air and we as stations tune in…I sometimes think.

  14. julespaige says:

    Just one Wordle this week – Preparing for a family gathering so it’s a story continuation, but only 100 words ๐Ÿ™‚


    Thanks Brenda and to all the Wordlers who make this a place to look forward to writing for and reading!!!
    Holiday wishes For Palm Sunday and a jump start for Passover Celebrators. And for everyone – Celebrate being able to write and be creative!!! Cheers.

  15. Irene says:

    A bad hair day..no not really..are there bad hair days for writing a poem?


  16. Thank you, Brenda, for creating and continuing this creative outlet. The world feels such a crazy unstable place, and I find this space to be a pillar in my life!

  17. Pamela says:

    Happy wordling, see you all later, Brenda, thanks for being here for us.


  18. Wow! A chemically enhanced first? Meds have my sleep patterns all whacked out and have me up at 2 AM EST. But I’ll take it.


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