Wordle 75

Dear Wordlers,

This week’s words came from a fantastic poem by Sherman Alexie, one of my all time favorite poets. The poem is called The Summer of Black Widows.  Give it a read.  Try it out loud. 

Write well and prosper,



22 comments on “Wordle 75

  1. Good morning my lovely fellow Wordlers! I have a late entry this week. Have been battling the flu.

    As Brenda said, WRITE WELL AND PROSPER!!!!

  2. My head has been empty, thought I would not be able to work with the words? Let’s blame it on allergies, worst time of the year. But I was pleased when at last it fell into place, in an unexpected way.

  3. Carol Steel says:

    I liked this combination of words. My poem is up. http://carolsteel5050.blogspot.ca/2012/09/when-i-was-eight.html Thanks for the prompt.

  4. Mine is up. Nice collection of words.

  5. hypercryptical says:

    Thank you for the prompt Brenda.

    Anna :o]

  6. Late, but not without my reason. Better late than Bundt cakes. (It’s an old poem I have to dig out!)

  7. seingraham says:

    An interesting collection of words that suggested this darkness to me almost immediately … I haven’t read the work from where they came yet so still have that to look forward to … thanks brenda, as always – both challenging and intriguing …


  8. PJF Sayers says:

    Good afternoon to all. I look forward to reading this afternoon.
    Thanks for the words, Brenda.


  9. pmwanken says:

    Upon first read the words felt “dark” to me…and in spite of my determination to write a “bright” poem, I went with dark.

    As always, Brenda…thank you for the great words that prompt us in so many different directions.

    🙂 Paula

  10. I don’t see a Mr. Linky so I’ll post my link here (loved these words):

    Bring It On

  11. nan says:

    Looking forward to some reading today here at The Whirl!

  12. brenda w says:

    Thank you all for participating this week. I’m finding the reading is good for me. It was a rough week, and I love my Sundays with you all.

  13. JulesPaige says:

    Oh, goodie, I’m number 13 again in Mr. Linky – one of my favorite numbers…or here which ever is easiest. Not to insult snakes…but my ‘snake’ has …well you’ll see.

    Thanks, Brenda for another great fit – I only had to shoe-horn one word in the title.


    I’ll have to come back after coffee to read.

  14. scrappygrams says:

    What a statement from a poet about his heritage.  Norma Ruttan Come visit my blog at… http://scrappygrams.blogspot.com


  15. tmhHoover says:

    Brenda – Thank you for sharing the poem and putting Sherman Alexie on my radar. Interestingly, while my poem did not have spiders in it, the writing that surrounds my poem speaks of spiders, physically and symbolically. Thanks again for the Sunday Whirl.

  16. Good morning all and, thank you Brenda 🙂

  17. rosross says:

    an interesting collection of words.

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