8 comments on “wordle 152 ~ a baker’s dozen

  1. LauraALord says:

    Oh this one was fun! Attempting to use all 13 with the 33 word limit I impose on myself was difficult.

  2. julespaige says:

    I’ll be a tad late this week. While I have computer access… I don’t have a whole lot of time- Being on vacation….

    Cheers all.

  3. veronicabalfourpaul says:

    Hello! It’s been a LONG time since I found that I could whirl with a wordle.
    Thank you for the words and the possibilities that come from them!

  4. Misky says:

    Squeeze small green apples to dusty nectar,
    stir to slack and plop to pouring the white hot
    fuss and busy city noise, carry its scent
    in gnarled wicker handles, cracked in long
    tendril strips, and you and I, we shall meet
    at the clock tower. Two kisses I will trade.
    All for a taste of apple dust on my hands.


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